Interactive fiction for schools and groups

Set up your own private area for creating and playing interactive stories and text-based games.

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From the creators of Quest

Teachers are using our Quest text adventure game software to introduce their students to programming, logical thinking and creative writing. Now we've created ActiveLit to make it even easier to use Quest in the classroom or group setting.

Choose from thousands of games

We have an extensive archive of games at With ActiveLit, you can choose exactly which of these games are listed in your private area, and their order and description. So your students will only be able to play the games you select.

Set up users

You have full control over who has access to your area. You can easily set up individual user accounts for each student. For games which have been written using our Quest software, you'll be able to read full game session transcripts - allowing you'll to see which students played which games, how long they took, and exactly what they did in each game.

Create and share games

Group members have access to Quest for creating their own games. They don't need to download any software, as it works entirely in the browser. When they have finished working on their game, they can publish it to the area to share it with other group members.

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